Manual therapy

At ‘Persis Elavia Therapies’, we use various international principles of manual therapy like Maitland concepts, McKenzie, Mulligan’s, and McConnell.
Manual therapy includes:
Joint Mobilisation
Soft tissue release
Benefits of Manual therapy:
Pain relief
Reduction in joint stiffness
Release of tight structures
Restoring correct body alignment.
Unlike electrotherapy, which focus only on pain reduction, manual therapy aims to treat the cause of the problem, thus resolving the root source of the symptom.

Movement science

Physiotherapy is the science of MOVEMENT; whether it be neurological impulse movement in a stroke patient, breath movement in an asthma patient or joint movement in an athlete.
In patients with joint and muscle problems, movement science has an important role to play.
Treatment aims at improving:
Joint centering
Muscle co-ordination
Synergic movement in multiple joints
This helps in treating problems like:
Joint Arthritis
Slip disc/Disc derangement
Muscle tears
Correcting movement patterns, immediately reduces strain on the tissues thus reducing pain. In the long term it helps to re-align the joints and balance muscles so that the problem does not reoccur.

Exercise therapy and rehabilitation

Exercises play an important in physiotherapy treatment. During our course of treatment we use the following exercise methods:
Muscle activation
Joint mobility exercises
Concentric/eccentric muscle training
Strengthening muscle for power
Muscle lengthening exercises
Muscle toning
We formulate tailor made home exercise programs to progress on the treatment of the problem.

Postural intervention

In our day to day activities we all tend to use one side of our body more than the other, leading to asymmetrical muscle work which challenges our postural alignment. Improper posture leads to strain on the joints, as well as muscle imbalance causing pain.
Appropriate posture is important to achieve:
Joint alignment
Efficient muscle action
Reduce muscle over-activity
We give personalized advice and exercises for postural correction during various activities:
Daily activities like cooking, cleaning, bathing
Work activities like sitting, standing, lifting
Sporting activities like running patterns, throwing action, gymnasium exercise form

Biomechanical correction

Many people have structural biomechanical issues either from birth or acquired in the early stages of life.
Some of these are:
Flat feet /pronation
High arch/supinated foot
High pelvis bones
Spine scoliosis
These biomechanical changes cause abnormal strain on our joints and muscle tissue, leading to long term problems.
We adjust these biomechanical malalignments using:
Shoe compensations
Spine and hip bracing
Corrective splints
