Conditions and Treatment

Sports injuries
Sports injuries is damage to the tissues of the body that occurs as a result of playing some sports or training for it. This may be in form of a joint sprain, fracture, ligament sprain or tear, muscle tear, etc. Sports injuries are treated immediately on the field by physiotherapist or trainer with aide of splints, pain sprays, icing and massaging. Later on the injured tissue is addressed properly for full treatment as appropriate by  medical doctor or a physiotherapist.

Our approach
The ultimate goal of the rehabilitation process is to diagnose the correct tissue involved, limit the extent of the injury, reduce or reverse the impairment and functional loss. We train the person in specific pattern required for that particular sports to get back to function.
With the help of movement analysis followed by exercises, mobilization, tapping, soft tissue release etc.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that worsens over time, often resulting in chronic pain. Joint pain and stiffness can become severe enough to make daily tasks difficult. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. Osteoarthritis symptoms can usually be managed, although the damage to joints can’t be reversed. Staying active, maintaining a healthy weight and some treatments might slow progression of the disease and help improve pain and joint function.

Our approach
We aim at reducing the pain & stiffness with the help of gentle mobilization and taping and mobility as well as strengthening exercises.
Hot fermentation to the joints and mild pain medication will aide in movement and return to function and prevent further damage.

Inflammation of one or more vertebrae of the spine due to wear and tear is called Spondylitis. Spondyitis can be sever when diffuse inflammation of the spine may be seen with infection (pott’s disease) or autoimmune disease (ankylosing spondylitis). Wear and tear of joints can cause friction of bone on bone, leading to spiky bony formations called osteophytes. These along with the friction can cause swelling and pain in the spine and can also cause irritation of the nerves resulting in spread or radiation of pain into the limbs.

Our approach
We plan treatment in form of joint mobilization, soft tissue release, muscle activation and strengthening based on our evaluation of the level of stiffness and muscle weakness for each individual.
We also correct postural changes, which might be contributing to the stress and loading along with mal-alignment of the spinal bones.
Hot fermentation, anti-inflammatory gels and mild pain killers will help to assist in healing and pain management.

Post surgical rehabilitation
People go through various surgeries for bones, joints, muscles but also for abdomen, chest, heart and other vital organs. After any surgery patients have low mobility and pain makes them move little and incorrectly. Also vital organs do not receive proper oxygen and vital organs like the heart and lungs are in duress. Finally our nervous system is under stress
post any surgical intervention. It is important to remember that the earlier the onset of rehabilitation post surgically, the
greater the potential for success will be. The patient needs to receive physiotherapy treatment early to avoid complications such as joint stiffness, muscle weakness, joint contractures, pathological scars, breathing difficulties and depressed psychological state.

Our approach
Our goal is to obtain maximum independence as soon as possible, prevent edema, maintain joint mobility, prevent muscle atrophy (thinning), increase the muscular activation, prevent muscular weakness, prevent bronchopneumonia, prevent pressure sores, control pain, sensory reeducation, support the client psychologically. This all is achieved with various methods like joint mobilization, early ambulation with our without walking aides, breathing exercises, strengthening exercises, lymphatic drainage, positioning, soft tissue release and various other methods as and when appropriate.